Letter from the Board

To the President and the Congress of the United States:

On behalf of the Broadcasting Board of Governors and pursuant to Section 305(a) of the International Broadcasting Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-236), I am pleased to submit the BBG’s annual report for 2014.

This report summarizes the activities and growing impact of the BBG, the independent federal government agency that oversees all U.S. civilian international media. This includes the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Radio Free Asia, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks, and the International Broadcasting Bureau.

As detailed in the following pages, BBG networks play a critical role expanding freedom of information and expression and communicating America’s democratic experience. BBG networks are news leaders, covering stories left untold in environments that lack press freedom and fostering civil dialogue in places bombarded with vitriol and misinformation. In 2014, BBG networks were the first international broadcasters live streaming the events from Maidan in Ukraine, led coverage on the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and continued reporting on the frontlines of the Ebola crisis.

In spite of dozens of threats to our journalists and their families along with hazardous working conditions, BBG’s networks have growing impact. They nimbly responded to crises and improved understanding of the U.S. and world events as a counter-balance to extremist propaganda in countries of strategic importance to U.S. foreign policy. As trusted sources of news, they attracted a record worldwide audience of 215 million people in 61 languages.

I am proud to report the achievements of the BBG and recognize the challenges that remain ahead as we continue to fight in a crowded battleground of competing ideas. We are grateful to the Administration, Congress and the public for their support and the resources entrusted to this agency to achieve this critical mission.

Respectfully submitted,


Jeff Shell, Chair

Matthew Armstrong, Leon Aron
, Ryan Crocker, Michael Kempner

Karen Kornbluh, 
Kenneth Weinstein, 
John Kerry, Secretary of State, ex-officio

Board of Governors

Jeffrey Shell, Chair 

Matthew C. Armstrong 

Ambassador Ryan Crocker 

Susan McCue 

Michael Meehan 

Kenneth Weinstein 

John F. Kerry, Secretary of State ex-officio

Meet Our Board


By providing high quality journalistic programming, BBG networks serve as a trustworthy source of news and as an example of a free, professional press in countries that lack independent media. BBG networks engage with audiences and promote dialogue through interactive programs and social networking.

The BBG is the independent federal government agency that oversees all U.S. civilian international media. This includes the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks, along with the International Broadcasting Bureau. BBG is also the name of the board that governs the agency.

BBG networks are trusted news sources, providing high-quality journalism and programming to more than 215 million people each week.

They are leading channels for information about the United States as well as independent platforms for freedom of expression and free press.

Standard and Principles

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 12.27.39 PMBBG networks cover stories often left untold in environments that lack press freedom. Major news stories in 2014 included Russian troops in Ukraine, Boko Haram extremists in Nigeria and elsewhere, and mass protests in Hong Kong.
All BBG networks adhere to the standards and principles mandated by the International Broadcasting Act of 1994, as amended. This incorporates the VOA Charter, which was signed into law in 1976, and requires broadcasts to include accurate, reliable, objective and comprehensive news, balanced presentations of United States’ institutions and policies, and information about developments throughout the world. To see the full text of principles guiding BBG news coverage, visit bbg.gov/legislation.

Strategic Goals

BBG’s strategic goals are supported by four overarching imperatives:

  • Deliver unbiased journalism and information of the highest professional standards;
  • Support the development of democratic values in transitioning and closed information societies by creating open dialogue on issues not covered or discussed in domestic media;
  • Counter propaganda and extremist rhetoric with credible news and information enabling audiences to positively contribute and participate in civil society; and
  • Be the leading channel for information about the United States explaining U.S. policy and providing perspectives on American life and values through reporting, analysis and commentary.


Another resource for detailed information on our strategy, goals and performance is our 2014 Performance and Accountability Report: bbg.gov/2014PAR.

Growing Impact

Growth in Measured Audience (millions of adults, weekly)

Over the last year, the BBG networks attracted an all-time high measured audience of 215 million people each week and demonstrated growing impact. The agency examines impact across audiences, media and governments and tracks numerous indicators highlighted throughout this report.

Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty expanded live coverage of Russia and Ukraine and now reach 20 percent of all adults in Ukraine weekly.

“Large audience gains in countries of strategic importance to the United States, combined with our successful distribution strategy, underscore that we are accomplishing our mission and skillfully utilizing our resources across difficult media environments.”

— Jeff Shell, BBG Chairman


Radio/TV Martí launched Reporta Cuba, allowing citizen reporters to use mobile technology and digital media to dramatically increase the number of eyewitness news accounts directly from Cuba.

Radio Free Asia and VOA reported live on the protests from Hong Kong using a mix of satellite streaming video and social media to engage with audiences and drive the news coverage. Web traffic through the BBG’s Internet Anti-Censorship proxy servers surged 60 percent.

Alhurra Television marked its 10-year anniversary and together with Radio Sawa provides an essential alternative voice across the Middle East.